Advised by

Affiliated to cbse - 930146

School Regulations


  1. Every  student of the school is expected to be courteous in talk and behavior at all times. Students are expected to get-up from their seats when a teacher or visitor enters the room.
  2. Students should always remember to maintain queue system while waiting to enter the bus, and washing place.
  3. Class rooms are strictly reserved for study and should not be used as recreation room.
  4. Every student should bring text and notebooks required for the classes. No books or periodicals other than school book may be brought to school.
  5. All assignments should be regularly completed and submitted as decided by the teacher.
  6. Indiscipline will never be tolerated.
  7. The uniform must be clean, well pressed and complete at all times. Students coming to school in untidy school dress will be denied admission to class.
  8. School premise, should be kept neat and tidy.
  9. Pupils suffering from contagious or infectious diseases are not allowed to enter the class. Cases of such illness should be reported  to the principal/ Vice Principal.
  10. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. The school is not responsible for goods lost.
  11. Any damage caused to school property or that of other pupils will have to be made good.
  12. Pupils of one class/ sections are not allowed to be in any other class even during the intervals.
  13. All are expected to speak English at all times, at school and in the school bus.
  14. Every students is expected to take an active part in the co-curricular activities like games, sports, literary association, educational tours picnics etc arranged by the school.
  15. The management reserves its right to request parents to withdraw their wards from the  school. If the behaviours or conduct of the parent and ward goes against the discipline culture and ethics of the school/campus.
  16. Should not bring mobile phone, CD’s , videogames etc… to the School Campus. If found so, that will be ceased and will not give back at any cost.


  1. Parents should see that their wards do not remain absent except under unavoidable circumstances, as it badly affects the progress of the pupil.
  2. A minimum of 80% attendance is requirement for promotion to the next higher class. Irregular attendance and prolonged absence may lead to removal of student from the school.


Classes start with assembly and prayer . All students should attend the School assembly.


A student may be granted leave by the principal. The leave application should be sent to the school the same day or latest by the next day, duly signed by the parent/guardian. No leave will be granted except in the case of emergencies, during tests and examinations. A medical certificate from a registered medical officer has to be produced along with the leave letter in case of prolonged absence due to illness extending over five days. Sufficient entry may also be made in the School diary about the leave.

Parents/guardians should be aware that continued unauthorized absence of their wards for a period exceeding ten days and failure to notify the school without applying for leave, will lead to removal of student’s name from the rolls and he/she will be readmitted only if there is a vacancy.


School fees should be paid by the 5th of each month. Defaulters will incur a fine of Rs. 100 for the first month and Rs. 500 thereafter if payment is not made within the specified installment timeframe.

If you wish to pay online via our secure portal, visit
