The assessment of performance of the students of classes I to X during the academic year is done through the continuous and comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) Scheme implemented by the CBSE. The CCE Scheme brings about a paradigm shift from examination to effective pedagogy. It envisages employment of variety of tools and technique for assessment in informal and formal settings which are more interesting, relevant and meaningful and involve learners for greater participation and learning.
Holistic education demands development of all aspects of individual’s personality including cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. A holistic assessment of learner includes co-scholastic areas of Life skills, Attitudes and values, Sports and Games as well as Co-curricular activities. Due importance is given to participation in co-curricular activities like music, dance , art , dramatics and other areas of interests. CCE helps in reducing stress of students by identifying learning progress of student at regular time intervals on small portions of content. It involves learners actively in the learning process by recognizing and encouraging specific abilities of students and improves students performance by identifying their learning difficulties right from the beginning of the academic session.
The academic year is divided into two terms. The scholastic Assessment is done through four sets of Formative Assessment (two sets in each term) and two summative Assessments(one in each term) As a part of this, there will be six examinations –four Unit tests and two Semester Exams. A minimum of 33% is required to pass these exams. The final performance of a student is based on all the formative and summative assessment tasks; and hence, students should attend these compulsorily. Non scholastic subjects are assessed in terms of grades.
The students of XI and XII also have five major examinations two mid term exam and one terminal exam, model exam and annual exam at the end of the year. A minimum of 33% is required to pass these exams. Promotions to the next class will be based on the performance in all the exams.
For KG students the evaluation is mainly based on their involvement and activities in the learning process.
Monday to Friday – 08.10 a.m. to 03.00 p.m.
Saturdays (Gr. 6 to 12) – 08:10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday – 08.00 a.m. to 03.45 p.m.
Saturdays – 08:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m
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